Bangladesh Psychometric Society

Memorandum of Association

Constitution of the

Bangladesh Psychometric Society

Bangladesh Psychometric Society (BPS)

June, 2020

Article I. Name of the Society

The name of the society shall be the Bangladesh Psychometric Society, hereinafter called BPS.

Article II. Vision, Mission and Objectives


            The vision of the Bangladesh Psychometric Society is to use psychometrics in sustainable human capital development in Bangladesh.


            The mission of the Bangladesh Psychometric Society:

  1. To promote the highest quality psychological testing in industry, civil and military services, and mental health services in Bangladesh
  2. To promote psychometric education and research
  3. To advance and represent the profession of psychometrics
  4. To serve the professional needs of its membership


The objectives of the society are all or any of the following:

  1. To encourage understanding, collaboration and liaison between people concerned with the field of psychometrics.
  2. To highlight the role of psychometrics in sustainable human capital development.
  3. To promote awareness and benefits of psychometrics in Bangladesh.
  4. To stimulate the expansion of quantitative measurement practices in Psychology and other relevant fields such education, human resources, ICT, medical, etc..
  5. To uphold the interest of the members and to promote members’ professional development.
  6. To provide information and guidance regarding the education and training of Psychometrists.
  7. To render expert advice to the government and other organizations on matters of national importance.
  8. To encourage research and to publicize information relating to psychometrics as well as current efforts and developments in the field of Psychometrics through publication of research papers.
  9. To provide a platform for dissemination of ideas, standards, knowledge and experiences in the field of psychometrics.
  10. To hold conferences, seminars, symposia, trainings, workshops and exhibitions from time to time.
  11. To maintain liaison with the government, public bodies, national psychological associations and societies, other organizations and individuals for the efficient working of BPS and fulfillment of its objectives.
  12. To collaborate with psychological associations and Societies of other countries and international congress of psychology for the advancement of psychology as a science.
  13. To carry out the objectives of the Association either alone or in affiliation with other psychometrics societies, associations or groups having similar aims or objectives.
  14. To do all such other activities as are considered conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the society.
  15. To dedicate to the furtherance of knowledge and expertise in all fields of human assessment, including educational testing, psychological assessment, talent evaluation and social sciences research.

Article III. Membership

Members of the Society shall be persons who are interested in the development of psychology as a quantitative rational science and who, from their training and experience, give evidence of their ability to contribute either directly or indirectly to the objectives of the Society as set forth in Article 1.

Section 1- Membership shall be opened to following categories-

1. General Members: General member shall be individuals who are interested and actively engaged in the field of psychometrics. General Members must have at least a MS degree in fields that rigorously apply psychometric procedures such as psychometrics, psychology and education, etc.

2. Life member: Life membership shall be opened to any General Members of the Association who, instead of the annual subscription, wishes to pay a commuted sum. She/ He has been a member for a year before being a Life Member.

3. Honorary Member: Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Psychometric in Bangladesh may be nominated by any member of the society for honorary membership. Such nominations shall be made in writing to the President of the society and must be approved by the Executive Committee.

4. Associate Member: Associate membership shall be open to any professional person interested in Psychometrics, but does not meet the requirements for ordinary membership. They may serve in any capacity assigned to them by the President of the society.

5. International Member: Any foreign citizen having degree in psychometrics, psychology and education, etc. may be enrolled as an International Affiliate if s/he applies for membership by paying due fees and the Executive Committee approves his or her application.

Section 2- Every application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two existing members and shall be forwarded to the General Secretary who shall submit it to the Executive Committee for the approval. The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.

Section 3- Every applicant whose application has been approved as aforesaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance and membership fee, be admitted as a member of the Association and shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership.

Section 4- Honorary members shall have no right to vote or to be elected to any office in the Society.

Section 5- General Members, Associate Members and Life members shall have the right to vote and to be elected to any office in the Society and to prepare in all deliberation of the Society.

Article IV. Membership Fees, Subscriptions and other dues

The fee for membership is decided by the Executive Committee and which may update time to time.

Section 1 The fees, subscriptions and dues payable shall be as follows:

Annual Subscription

  • General Member BDT 1000 / USD 12
  • Associate Member BDT 2000 / USD 24
  • International Member BDT 4000 / USD 50

Lump Sum

  • Life Member BDT 5000 / USD 60

Honorary member shall not be required to pay any fees.

Section 2- Any member who allows his/her arrears to exceed two years’ subscriptions shall receive a written notification signed by or on behalf of the Secretary, and shall be denied the privileges of membership until he/she settles.

Section 3- Any member who allows his/her arrears to exceed three years’ subscription shall automatically cease to be a member of the society, and the Committee may direct legal action be taken against him/her, provided that they are satisfied that he/she has received due notice of his/her debts.

Section 4- The Committee shall have the power to fix a re-entrance fee for any person who has allowed his membership to lapse through arrears.

Section 5 Special subscriptions or levies for particular purposes may be raised from members by resolution of the general meeting of the Society. If any member fails to pay such subscription within such period as may be resolved, the amount due shall be treated in the same way as arrears of monthly subscription.

Article V. Executive Committee

Section 1 – The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of 11 members. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be an active member of BPS and hold only one position at a time. The members of Executive Committee shall serve for a period of two years.

Section 2 Members of the Executive Committee

 Vice President1(One)
 Joint Secretary1(One)
 International Affairs Secretary1(One)
 Finance Secretary1(One)
 Office Secretary1(One)
 Members4 (Four)
              Total                 11 (Eleven)

Section 3 Power and Functions of the Executive Committee (EC)

The Executive Committee (EC) shall be responsible for the overall administrative and other activities of BPS. Specifically, the EC shall have the following power and functions:

  1. The function of the EC is to organize and supervise the day-to-day activities of The Society and to make decisions on matters affecting its running within the constitution laid down by the general meeting. The Committee shall not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the general meeting without prior reference to it and shall always remain subordinate to the general meeting. It shall furnish a report to each annual general meeting on its activities during the previous year.
  2. The EC shall give instructions to the Secretary and other officers for the conduct of the affairs of The Society. It may appoint such officers and such staff as it deems necessary. It may suspend or dismiss any officers or member of the staff for neglect of duty, dishonesty, incompetence, refusal to carry out the decisions of the EC, or for any other reason which it deems good and sufficient in the interest of the Association.
  3. The EC may appoint any sub-committee for any purpose arising out of or connected with any of the duties, functions and aims laid down under the rules. Any members can become members of these subcommittee.
  4. To approve the salaries to be paid to any officials of the BPS.
  5. To approve the annual budget of the society.
  6. To take any other action for the greater interest of the society.

Article VI. Powers and Duties

Section 1 President

  1. To facilitate all BPS meetings and events, provide leadership to the BPS Executive Committee, and enforce policies of the BPS.
  2. To assist in the development of annual goals for the BPS and ensure that the fiscal priorities reflect those objectives.
  3. To disburse BPS funds approved by the Executive Committee.
  4. To inform and consult with the faculties and administration.
  5. To uphold the provisions of the constitution of the society.

Section 2 Vice President

  1. To perform all the functions of the President in his/her absence.
  2. To maintain and update the BPS webpage, Facebook group, Facebook page.
  3. To advocate for student membership by serving as the student liaison.
  4. To respond to all issues and concerns expressed by students.
  5. To perform any other functions as assigned by the Executive Committee from time to time.

Section 3 Secretary

  1. To call all types of meetings of the society as per the order of the President.
  2. To prepare BPS meeting agenda prior to each BPS Executive Committee meeting consulting with the President.
  3. To take and distribute Executive Committee meeting minutes to all BPS members in a timely manner.
  4. To maintain records of attendance of all BPS Executive Committee meetings.
  5. To assist the Vice President with the maintenance of the BPS website, Facebook page & group.

Section 4 Joint Secretary

  1. The Joint Secretary shall perform all the duties of the General Secretary in his/her absence.
  2. Moreover, s/he shall cooperate with the General Secretary in all activities of the society.

Section 5 – International Affairs Secretary

  1. To organize international seminar, symposium, conference, training and workshop.
  2. To communicate with foreign experts, psychometricians, and related institutions.

Section 6 – Finance Secretary

  1. To perform the annual budget for the BPS Executive Council.
  2. To present monthly budget updates to the BPS Executive Council meetings.
  3. To prepare and submit list of all expenditures to the BPS Executive Council meetings for approval.
  4. To assist in raising funds for the BPS.
  5. To prepare and maintain accurate and detailed financial records of all BPS revenue and expenditures.

Section 7 – Office Secretary

  1. To keep all records of the BPS.
  2. To purchase necessary things for the society.
  3. To assist President and General Secretary for holding meetings and other activities.

Article VII. Advisory Council

Section 1 – Senior Psychologists having significant contributions in the field of Psychology, or Education shall be honored as Advisory Council members. There shall be five members in the Advisory Council.

Section 2 – Advisory Council members shall advise the Executive Committee for the welfare of the BPS.

Article VIII. General Meeting

Section 1- The Executive Committee (EC) shall meet at least once every three months, seven days’ notice of each meeting shall be given to the EC members. The President acting alone, or not less than three of its EC members acting together may call for a meeting of the Committee to be held at any time. At least three-fourth of the EC members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.

Section 2- The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Society shall be held at a time and place determined by the Society.

Section 3- Where any urgent matter requiring the approval of the EC arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Secretary may obtain such approval by means of a circular letter or e-mail. The following conditions must be fulfilled before a decision of the Committee is deemed to have been obtained:

i) The issue must be clearly set out in the circular or email and forwarded to all members of the EC;

ii) At least three-fourth of the members of the EC must indicate whether they are in favour or against the proposal; and

iii) The decision must be by a majority vote.

Any decision obtained by circular letter or email shall be reported by the Secretary to the next EC meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof.

Section 3- Any member of the EC who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the EC without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

Section 5- In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the EC, the EC shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the association to fill the vacancy until the next election of office-bearers.

Article IX. Finance and Account

Section 1 – Budget

The annual budget of the society will be prepared by the Finance Secretary and be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Executive Committee. After having reviewed by the members of the society, the Executive Committee will approve the budget.

Section 2 – Financial Reporting

A written financial report of all accounts of the society shall be presented by the Finance Secretary at the council meetings for discussion and approval.

Section 3 Membership Fees

Membership fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee for each classification of membership.

Section 4 – Financial Year

The financial year of the society shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.

Section 5 – Financial Management

  1. Money received by the society shall be deposited in the bank accounts to be opened by the society.
  2. The accounts will be operated by the joint signatures of any of the two among President, Secretary and Finance Secretary.
  3. The society shall keep proper accounts of all incomes and expenditures and have the annual accounts duly audited by professional auditors.

Section 6- Consultancy

Any consultancy service is provided through BPS to any organization must pay at least 10% of his consultancy fee to the BPS or any other fixed amount determine by the Executive Committee.

Article X. Resignation & Termination

  1. Any member who wishes to resign from The Society shall give two weeks’ notice in writing to the Secretary and shall pay up all dues.
  2. Any member who fails to comply with the rules of The Society or has acted in a manner to bring disrepute upon The Society may be expelled or suspended for a period of time as the Committee deems fit. Before the Committee expels or suspends the member, the member shall be informed of the grounds for such expulsion or suspension in writing and be given an opportunity to explain and clear oneself in person. Such suspension or expulsion shall be enforced, unless otherwise reversed by a general meeting upon appeal by the said member.

Article XI. Election of the Executive Council

  1. The office bearers of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the eligible members of the society at the Annual General Meeting of the society when the term of existing EC expires.
  2. A retiring member is eligible to seek re-election if s/he is otherwise eligible. President and Secretary may not hold same position not more than 2 times.
  3. General Members, Associate members and Life members shall have the right to vote and shall contest in the election and they have the right to be elected to any office in the Society.
  4. The outgoing council will nominate an Election Commission consisting of three members, one Chief Election Commissioner and two members to conduct the election. These three members will not contest in the election.
  5. Voting will be done by raising hands or by secret ballots as decided by the Executive Council.
  6. No member shall be entitled to vote and contest in the election unless all his/her dues are clear.
  7. Where there is a dispute regarding any election, it shall be referred by the Executive Committee to a tribunal to be appointed by the Executive Committee. The decision of the tribunal shall be final.
  8. A casual vacancy of any post in the Executive Committee may be filled by the majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.

Article XII. Standing Committees

Executive Committee has the power to appoint any relevant Standing Committee, which shall comprise at least three members. Each Division shall have the right to nominate one Member on any Standing Committee, provided that no Committee approved by Committee shall comprise more than seven Members. Standing Committees may co-opt further Members with specialized knowledge. All Standing Committees may fill vacancies that occur during their term of office by co-option. Committee shall have the right to nominate a member that fails or refuses to do so should Committee deem this action necessary in the best interests of the Society

Section 1- Ethics Committee

  1. This Committee shall consist of Members widely representative of the diversity of psychology; the Committee may co-opt persons who are not psychologists and who represent community interests.
  2. The Ethics Committee has an educational, advisory and consultative function. In relation to disciplinary issues its role is mediatory rather than disciplinary.
  3. Written complaints of unethical conduct may be directed to the Committee by Members of the Society or the public for resolution.
  4. Investigative procedures shall be formulated as Rules of the Society.
  5. The Ethical Code shall be continuously revised by the Ethics Committee or a special working group of this Committee following international models and with regard to local needs, and shall remain the subject of wide consultation, so that the code reflects the full diversity of the profession of psychology in its human interest and guild concerns.
  6. To conduct any kind of research using psychometric tools i.e., psychological tests, scales or questionnaires in Bangladesh must need approval of this ethical committee except educational purpose.

Section 2- Psychological Testing and Assessment Committee

  1. This Committee shall advise the Executive on developments in the psychological testing and assessment environment as these may impact on the discipline and the greater Bangladeshi community, especially in terms of the rights-based constitutional dispensation in the country.
  2. This Committee shall review current instruments and archive all developed or adopted or adapted version of Bangladeshi psychological tools. In addition, this committee advise the Executive council on possible improvements that cater for the diverse Bangladeshi population.
  3. This Committee may engage in relevant research so that the diverse Bangladeshi population may enjoy more valid and reliable instruments.

Section 3- International Relations Committee

  1. This Committee, like all the other structures, operates under the direction of Executive Council.
  2. This Committee is responsible for BPS’s international relations activities, including but not restricted to, engagements with MOU and other partners, and membership of regional and international organizations.
  3. This Committee shall ensure that in all its dealings it shall promote the best interests of BPS and its members and enter into relationships with external organizations for the betterment of psychology as a science and practice in Bangladesh.
  4. This committee shall collect foreign fund and scholarship with the communication with the other international psychological association to promote developing psychological tools in Bangladesh.

Section 4- Training Module Committee

  1. This Committee, like all the other structures, operates under the direction of Executive Council.
  2. This Committee is responsible for developing training module on basic, advanced and applied psychometrics.
  3. This Committee is responsible for organizing training on basic, advanced and applied psychometrics.

Article XIII. Amendments of the Constitution of the Society

In keeping pace with the change of time, and to increase the members and areas of services referred by the society, and depending on the financial position of the society, and in the greater interest of the society, any Article or Articles or any Section or Sections of the constitution of the society may be amended, changed or new article or articles may be added thereto by the two-third majority votes in a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the society.